We bring opportunities that can suit anyone in any situation, should you have surpluses and looking for options. We choose the best available offers for you out of a variety of products we deal in and we are sure at some point it would suit your requirement.

RBI Floating Rate Saving Bonds
Tough times and uncertain future pushes one to look for Safe Heavens, one can’t have the safest bet than the Sovereign Guaranteed scheme.

Capital Gain Bonds (Exemption u/s 54EC)
The bonds issued by PSUs, mandated by Govt. of India, for saving long-term capital gains from the sale of immovable assets.

Sovereign Gold Bonds
A scheme floated by the Government of India in regular intervals for the subscription of Gold in digital form with interest payable half-yearly and scope of capital appreciation.

New Fund Offers from Mutual Funds
An NFO is a first-time subscription offer for a new scheme that an asset management company launches. The fund house can launch an NFO around a theme to complete their product basket.